Gamesir G8 In Box

The most popular article on this website is this one, about the best mobile phone controllers for iPhone.

As such, we spend a LOT of time doing in-depth reviews about mobile phone controllers and re-evaluate/update our picks for "best" every few months.

While testing out the GameSir G8+ for a big review we stumbled on an issue related to setting up the device with iPhone.

Long story short, the iPhone couldn't "see" the GameSir G8+. The instruction manual was no help, but through trial and error we got managed to get it all working. Hopefully this article saves you time.

Oceanhorn 2 Hero Gamesir G8 Iphone 16 Gaming

How To Set Up GameSir G8+ with iPhone

Here's the official way. Hopefully it works, but if it doesn't see the unofficial way next.

  1. Power on the controller by pressing the Power button (it has the GameSir logo)
  2. Press and hold the O (circle) button (it's next to the M button on the left-hand-side) and the A button (or whatever button is the furthest right button on the controller since you can magnetically swap them) on the GameSir G8+, this will cause the power button to rapidly blink blue
  3. Open the Bluetooth devices list on your phone
  4. Select DUALSHOCK 4 Wireless from the list of unpaired devices
  5. The Power button will change from blue to orangeish/pinkish, indicating a successful connection.

Or at least that's how it's supposed to work. Maybe it's because I first set up the controller with an Android phone, then Nintendo Switch, and eventually got around to conneting it to iPhone. But when I did try, "DUALSHOCK 4" was not an option, just GameSir G8+ (which is what it's called when I connected on Android).

Gamesir G8 Usb C Port And Sync Button
There's a connection button right next to the USB port that we needed to use in order to setup the controller on iPhone.

When connecting to G8+ on iPhone the Bluetooth connection would immediately fail. I would repeat the process, never find DualShock 4, even after "forgetting" GameSir G8+, and I got frustrated.

Here's how I fixed that.

How To Set Up GameSir G8+ with iPhone (alternate method)

  1. Power on the controller by pressing the Power button (it has the GameSir logo)
  2. Press and hold the O (circle) button (it's next to the M button on the left-hand-side) and the A button (or whatever button is the furthest right button on the controller since you can magnetically swap them) on the GameSir G8+, this will cause the power button to blink blue
  3. Press the button on the bottom of the controller next to the USB port. This should cause the blue blinking power button to flash more rapidly
  4. Open the Bluetooth devices list on your phone
    1. Select DUALSHOCK 4 Wireless from the list of unpaired devices (it should now show up)
  5. The Power button will change from blue to orangeish/pinkish, indicating a successful connection.
Gamesir G8 Bluetooth Connection

The above method worked for me when the method in the manual failed. Hopefully if you're struggling to get your new controller connected to your iPhone that did the trick. If not, return the GameSir G8+ and buy a Razer Kishi Ultra instead.

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